Next month on March 20th, landlords will see the Homes (fitness for human habitation) Bill come into play, amending the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.
This will focus on landlords (private or social) to ensure their rental properties are fit for human habitation when the tenancy is granted and throughout the duration of the contract.
All existing tenancies will need to meet this criteria, including periodic and legacy. Tenancies less than seven years in length across this sector will also be affected and include the dwelling let and all parts of the building owned by the landlord.
Most landlords will have nothing to worry about, as a reasonably maintained property should be deemed fit for human habitation. Only a few properties suffering from disrepair will need resolving. However, private landlords with legacy tenants will need to ensure repair and modernisation is proactively actioned to adhere to the new regulations in place.
If you are unsure whether your property meets the Homes (fitness of human habitation) Bill, please do pop in for our free landlord advice sessions every Thursday morning or arrange an appointment to speak to one of our experts. Find out more here